Mutual Films é uma parceria entre o crítico de cinema e programador Aaron Cutler e a artista plástica Mariana Shellard, ambos residentes em São Paulo. A parceria visa a realização de filmes e mostras de cinema.

Aaron Cutler
Mestre em Escrita Criativa pela Columbia University (Nova Iorque, E.U.A). Participou dos corpos curatoriais dos festivais Olhar de Cinema (2017 a 2020) e da Mostra Internacional de Cinema de São Paulo (2012 a 2014), sendo responsável pela curadoria e co-curadoria das retrospectivas dos cineastas Lav Diaz, Djibril Diop Mambéty, Camila José Donoso, Janie Geiser, F.W. Murnau, Jean Rouch e Raúl Ruiz. Também realizou pelo INDIE Festival a retrospectiva de Kira Muratova (2015). Seus textos críticos já foram publicados nas revistas internacionais Brooklyn Magazine, Cineaste, Cinema Scope, Film Comment, Sight & Sound, The Village Voice, entre outras.

Mariana Shellard
Mestre em Poéticas Visuais pela Universidade de Campinas (UNICAMP) com bolsa FAPESP. Em 2012 iniciou seu primeiro projeto em dramaturgia e cinema, A Igreja Sem Cristo, e em 2019, concluiu o longa-metragem A quarta e última morada. Desenvolveu o projeto multidisciplinar RePartitura que resultou em apresentações nacionais e internacionais e foi contemplado pelo programa Rumos Arte Cibernética em 2009. Escreveu artigos para publicações nacionais e internacionais de arte e cinema como ANPPOM, SBCM, OPUS, Idiom Magazine, Moving Image Source, Cinema Scope, The Village Voice, entre outras.
Mutual Films is a partnership between the film critic Aaron Cutler and the artist and filmmaker Mariana Shellard, both of whom reside in São Paulo. The initiative seeks to realize films and film series.

Aaron Cutler
MFA in Creative Writing from Columbia University (New York, U.S.A.). Worked on the programming teams of the Olhar de Cinema – Curitiba International Film Festival (2017 - 2020) and the São Paulo International Film Festival (2012-2014), including the organization or co-organization of retrospectives of films from the filmmakers Lav Diaz, Djibril Diop Mambéty, Camila José Donoso, Janie Geiser, F.W. Murnau, Jean Rouch, and Raúl Ruiz. Additionally curated a retrospective of works by the Russo-Ukranian filmmaker Kira Muratova for the INDIE Festival in 2015. Has had film articles and interviews appear in international publications such as Brooklyn Magazine, Cineaste, Cinema Scope, Film Comment, Sight & Sound, The Village Voice, among others.

Mariana Shellard
Master's in Visual Poetics from the University of Campinas (UNICAMP), with a grant from FAPESP. In 2012, began the film and theater work The Church Without Christ, and in 2019, completed the feature-length film The Ragged Figure. Developed the multidisciplinary artwork RePartitura, which resulted in presentations both within Brazil and abroad, and which was awarded by the program Rumos Arte Cibernética in 2009. Has written articles about art and cinema for a variety of publications including ANPPOM, SBCM, OPUS, Idiom Magazine, Moving Image Source, Cinema Scope, and The Village Voice, among others.